
The Living Legend : Olympian Squadron Leader Syed Shahid Hakeem

Olympian Squadron Leader Syed Shahid Hakeem   Olympian Squadron Leader Syed Shahid Hakeem Prime Minister, expressed the need to take football to every village in India. He pegged his hope on FIFA Under-17 [under-17 Football World Cup to be hosted by India in 2017]—is an opportunity for India. While the prime minister is committed to making India a power-hub of sporting talent and sporting superpower, the situation on the ground remains grim. In the morning I woke up early, although it's a Sunday morning. I had the lappy on my lap and as always I was going through the headlines, just then my eyes stuck to the header and I entered the past, reading, the name of the living legend, Syed Shahid Hakeem. Hakeem Sahib as we all affectionately call him, has been nominated for The Dhyan Chand Award for the year 2017. Olympian Squadron Leader Syed Shahid Hakeem was in the 1960 Rome Olympiad as a forward on the field. Football is in his blood, being the ...